This page curates AmSARC virtual events as well as AmSARC researcher-related resources.
Please join us for our upcoming lecture Wednesday, March 12 1pm EST/8pm CAT, The Cemetery at al-Widay I, by Lisa Heidorn and Bruce Williams. Please click the image to register.

Please join us for our upcoming lecture Tuesday, February 18 1pm EST/8pm CAT, Leaving Our Mark: A Collaborative Children’s Book Project in El-Kurru, Sudan by Shannon Ness, Heidi Hilliker, Anwar M. Mahjoub, and Geoff Emberling. Please click the image to register.

AmSARC Lecture Recording (8 January 2024) The Impact of the 15th April War on the Archaeology Research by Dr. Nuha Abdel Hafiz Abdel Aziz. Click the image to access to access the video.

AmSARC Lecture Recording (4 Dec 2024). Reading Together – Selected Readings in Archaeology by Dr. Abdelmonim Babiker. Click the image to access to access the video.

AmSARC Lecture Recording (9 Oct 2024). Connecting the Locals with their Past: Abri Cultural Activities Program by Dr. Shadia Abdu Rabu, AmSARC Small Grant Recipient. Click the image to access to access the video.
AmSARC Lecture Recording (4 Sep 2024). Community Engagement Activities during the Wartime Jebel El-Barkal and the Napatan Region WHSs Northern State – Sudan by Sami Elamin. Click the image to access the video.
AmSARC Lecture Recording (7 Aug 2024). Assessing the Medieval Burial Environment at Tungul (Old Dongola) by Dr. Robert Stark. Click the image to access the video.
AmSARC Lecture Recording (10 July 2024) Old Town of Berber: Islamic Pilgrimage’s Center in Northern Sudan by AmSARC small grant recipient Dr. Habab Idriss Ahmed. Click on the image to access the video.
AmSARC Lecture Recording (19 June 2024) 3D Photogrammetric Modeling of Mortuary Practices: A Comparative Study of Meroitic and Medieval Christian Periods at Nuri Archaeological Site by Gretchen Emma Zoeller, AmSARC Fellowship Awardee. Click on the image to access the video.
AmSARC Lecture Recording (8 May 2024)The Meroitic Townsite of Kedurma; Perspectives for Archaeology, Management, Interpretation, and Community Engagement by Dr. Mohamed A. Bashir. Click on the image to access the video.
AmSARC Lecture Recording (24 April 2024) Boulders and Stone Structures in Nubia: The Rituals and Beliefs Realms during the Prehistoric-Bronze Period by Dr. Yahia Fadl Tahir Fadl (AmSARC Small Grant recipient). Click on the image to access the video.
AmSARC lecture recording (14 Feb 2024) Future of Sudan Archaeology in the Conflict and Post-Conflict with featured speakers Dr. Esam Alhadi and Dr. Salah M. Ahmed followed by discussion. Click on the image to access the video.
AmSARC lecture recording (24 Jan 2024), Teaching Ancient Nubia: Integrating Kush in K-12 Curricula by Sydney Pickens. Click on the image to access the video.
AmSARC lecture recording (12 Dec 2023), Managing Meroe Pyramids World Heritage Site: Story of Achievements and Challenges, Dr. Mahmoud Suliman Bashir. Click on the image to access the video.

AmSARC lecture recording (29 March 2023), Early and Medieval Nubian Christianity, Dr. Salim Faraji. Click on the image to access the video.

AmSARC lecture recording (9 January 2023) Two post pyramidal polities replaced the Meroitic state, Mohamed Faroug Ali. Click on the image to access the video.

AmSARC lecture recording (12 Dec 2022) Debate on military campaign of Psamtek II, El Hassan Ahmed Mohamed. Click on the image to access the video.

This poster was presented at the 2022 American Schools of Overseas Research conference in Boston to communicate about our mission.
AmSARC and ASOR collaborated again this year on the Reintegrating Africa in the Ancient World workshop: Ancient northeast African interconnections. Next year’s theme is African models of social complexity.

AmSARC lecture recording (22 Oct 2022) Gebel Elbarkal Site/place Ownership Claim Conflicts, Ismail Elnour. Click on the image to access the video.

AmSARC lecture recording (21 Sept 2022) Archival Material and Digital Solutions: creating a Heritage Registry for the Sudan, Sami Mohamed Elamin Abbas. Click on the image to access the video.

AmSARC lecture recording (27 July 2022) Paleogenomic Investigations in Ancient Nubia: Methods and Migogenomes from the Middle Nile, Dr. Abagail Breidenstein. Click on image to access video.

AmSARC lecture recording (8 June 2022) Disclosing the Archaeology of the Gezira region – Central Sudan, Dr. Mohammed Alfatih Hayati. Click on image to access video.

AmSARC lecture recording (7 April 2022) Two Models of Ethnoarchaeological Research in Sudan, Dr. Faiz Hassan Osman.[Apologies for the recording issues for the first part of the lecture] . Click on image to access video.

AmSARC lecture recording (11 March 2022): Recent Paleolithic discoveries in the Agig and Khor Baraka districts of the Red Sea Region (the Sudan), Dr. Amanuel Beyin. Click on image to access video

AmSARC lecture recording (17 Feb 2022): Prehistoric archaeology in the eastern desert of lower Atbara river, Sudan, (EDAR project discoveries and implications), Dr. Ahmed Nassr. Click on image to access video.

AmSARC lecture recording (6 Oct 2021): Archaeological Research in the Blue Nile and Eastern Sudan by Dr. Fawzi Hassan Bakhiet. Click on image to access video.

AmSARC lecture recording (12 Aug 2021): Jebel Barkal and the Mythological Nubian Origin of Egyptian Kingship by Dr. Timothy Kendall. Click on image to access video.

AmSARC has organized a workshop on “Reintegrating Africa in the Ancient World” for the 2021 ASOR (American Society of Overseas Research) conference. The session is planned to run for three years and each year has a different theme. The theme this year is “Colonial and anticolonial perspectives on ancient societies of northeast Africa.” The ASOR conference will meet both in-person and online. The in-person conference will be in Chicago Nov. 17-20 and the online conference will be Dec. 9-12. Click this link for the session description. We hope you’ll join us!
AmSARC Director, Dr. Mohamed Faroug Ali, participated in a panel on Black and Indigenous Futures (4/7/2021). Click the image below for access to the recording.
Celebrate AmSARC: US Archaeological Projects in Sudan (3/6/2021). Please click the image below to access the recorded event.