
In order to faciltate accessibility of archaeological research for the Sudanese community, here we are posting Arabic translations of English articles and English translations of Arabic articles. Please click on article title to download the translation. We will continue to update this page with additional sources.

Oksana Marchuk, Liliia Melnychuk, Tamara Paguta, Yanina Pocheniuk, Agnieszka Bates, Yesid Paez & Anne Parfit (2023). Peace education in a time of war: the Museum of Peace in Rivne, Ukraine as a space of memory making and hope. Journal of Peace Education DOI: 10.1080/17400201.2023.2276417. Translated into Arabic by Ekhlas Elyas (recipient of AmSARC small grant).

Janice Yellin (2015). The family of Arkamani 1 in the Southern Cemetery at Meroe. In The Kushite world: Proceedings of the 11th International Conference for Meroitic Studies, Vienna, 1 – 4 September 2008, ed. Michael Zach, pp. 601-612. Vienna: Verein der Förderer der Sudanforschung. Translated into Arabic by Ahmed Elamin Ahmed Elsokari (recipient of AmSARC small grant).

Andrea Manzo (2024).  The Archaeology of Eastern Sudan and the History of the Middle Nile Valley. Issues and perspectives. Kush XX, pp. 3-24. Translated into Arabic by Habab Idriss (recipient of AmSARC small grant).

Sarah A. Schrader and Michele R. Buzon (2017). Everyday Life after Collapse: A Bioarchaeological Examination of Entheseal Change and Accidental Injury in Postcolonial Nubia. Bioarchaeology International 1:19-34. Translated into Arabic by Mohamed Faroug Ali.